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A cura di Fulvio Graziotto - Avvocato in Sanremo (Imperia)

Extracted from The Global manual of FDI - Foreign Direct Investments - Volume 1 - Chapter 1.1

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1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Equity Investments


In the realm of international business, equity investments stand as a prominent avenue for global economic engagement. 

This section delves into the multifaceted landscape of equity investments, exploring their fundamental nature, unique traits, and diverse forms.

By examining the integral role of equity investments in fostering economic growth and cross-border collaboration, this abstract offers a glimpse into the intricate world of global finance and its pivotal connection to foreign direct investments.

Equity investments represent a fundamental form of foreign direct investment (FDI) where an individual or an entity acquires ownership interest in a foreign company. By holding equity in a foreign enterprise, the investor becomes a shareholder and gains a stake in the company's assets, profits, and decision-making processes. This section explores the essential aspects of equity investments in the context of FDI, including their definition, key characteristics, and how they differ from other forms of investment.

1.1.1 Introduction

What are Equity Investments?

Equity investments, also referred to as direct equity or stock investments, represent a crucial avenue for individuals and entities to participate in the growth and success of foreign companies. When an investor decides to make an equity investment, they acquire ownership in the foreign enterprise by purchasing shares or stocks issued by the company. These shares grant the investor certain rights and privileges, transforming them into shareholders and partial owners of the business.

The Mechanism of Equity Investments

The mechanism of equity investments is a fundamental process that allows individuals and entities to participate in the ownership and growth of foreign companies. It represents a dynamic interaction between companies seeking to raise capital and investors seeking to deploy their funds strategically. In this section, we delve into the intricate workings of equity investments, examining the various stages and players involved in this transformative process.

1.1.2 The Equity Market Ecosystem

At the heart of equity investments lies the equity market ecosystem, a dynamic network comprising companies, investors, stock exchanges, regulatory bodies, and financial intermediaries. Equity markets serve as platforms where companies issue shares to raise capital, and investors trade these shares in a transparent and regulated environment.

Equity Issuance: Primary Market

Equity investments typically begin in the primary market, where companies issue new shares to the public for the first time through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). During an IPO, a company offers a portion of its ownership to external investors by issuing shares at a predetermined price. The IPO is a transformative event for the company, as it transitions from private ownership to being publicly listed on a stock exchange.

Investors eager to participate in the growth prospects of the company can subscribe to the IPO and purchase shares directly from the company. The IPO price is determined through a rigorous valuation process, taking into account the company's financial performance, growth potential, industry dynamics, and overall market conditions.

Secondary Market: Trading and Liquidity

Once the shares are issued in the primary market, they become available for trading in the secondary market, commonly known as the stock market or stock exchange. In the secondary market, investors can buy and sell shares of publicly listed companies, enabling liquidity and continuous price discovery.

The value of shares in the secondary market is determined by the interaction of demand and supply dynamics. When there is a high demand for a company's shares, the price tends to rise, reflecting positive investor sentiment and confidence in the company's prospects. Conversely, when demand wanes or selling pressure increases, the share price may decline.

1.1.3 Factors Affecting Share Prices

Several factors influence share prices in the secondary market:

  • Company Performance: The financial performance and growth trajectory of the company significantly impact share prices. Strong revenue growth, profitability, and positive earnings reports can drive share prices higher.
  • Market Sentiment: Investor sentiment plays a vital role in shaping share prices. Positive economic news, favorable market conditions, or optimistic forecasts can lead to bullish sentiment and increased demand for shares.
  • Economic Conditions: Macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation, and GDP growth, can affect investor confidence and influence share prices.
  • Industry Trends: The performance of the industry in which the company operates can impact its share price. Positive industry trends may lead to higher valuations.
  • Company-specific Developments: Corporate events, such as mergers, acquisitions, product launches, or management changes, can trigger fluctuations in share prices.

Long-Term Capital Appreciation

Equity investments offer the potential for long-term capital appreciation, making them an attractive option for investors seeking growth opportunities. As companies grow and generate higher profits, their share prices may rise, leading to capital gains for investors. The longer the investment horizon, the greater the potential for capital appreciation.

Dividends and Profit-Sharing

In addition to capital appreciation, equity investors may receive dividends, which represent a share of the company's profits distributed to shareholders. Dividends are typically paid out periodically, providing investors with a steady stream of income.

Companies with a track record of consistent profitability and strong cash flows are more likely to pay dividends. Dividend payments can be reinvested or used as a source of passive income for investors.

1.1.4 The Role of Financial Intermediaries

Financial intermediaries, such as brokerage firms and investment banks, play a crucial role in facilitating equity investments. They serve as intermediaries between investors and the equity markets, providing access to trading platforms, research, and investment advice.

1.1.5 Regulation and Investor Protection

Equity markets operate under strict regulations and oversight from regulatory authorities. These regulations aim to safeguard investor interests, ensure market integrity, and promote transparency. Publicly listed companies are required to disclose timely and accurate financial information to the public, enabling investors to make informed decisions.

1.1.6 Understanding the Dynamics of Equity Investments

The mechanism of equity investments exemplifies the profound interplay between companies and investors, each with its unique objectives and aspirations. Companies use equity investments as a means to raise capital for expansion, innovation, and strategic initiatives. On the other hand, investors embrace equity investments to participate in the growth of promising companies, diversify their portfolios, and achieve long-term financial goals.

By comprehending the intricacies of equity investments and the factors influencing share prices, investors can make well-informed decisions and navigate the dynamic world of equity markets with confidence. Embracing a long-term perspective, prudence, and a thorough understanding of the companies they invest in, investors can leverage the potential of equity investments to create enduring value and contribute to the global economy.


In summary, the exploration of equity investments unveils their essence as vital mechanisms for fostering economic ties across borders. 

Defined by ownership stakes, dividends, and voting rights, these investments underscore the symbiotic relationship between investors and corporations. 

Understanding the characteristics of equity investments provides a foundation for navigating the complexities of international finance and underscores their significance within the broader framework of foreign direct investments.

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